Innovation Hub Directories

BIO-TECHNOPARK Schlieren-Zürich

 Incubators and Innovation Parks

The nationally and internationally respected Bio-Technopark offers professional support for life science start-ups in the establishment and expansion of business activities and promotes interaction between start-ups, universities, and industry. Through stringent selection, coaching, and support, more than 50 successful start-ups and well-established companies together with more than 25 institutes, clinics, and research groups from University of Zurich, University Hospital Zurich, and ETH are located in the Zurich-Schlieren life science park.

  • Areas of Expertise: Animal Health, Biotech, Diagnostics, Digital Health, Food & Nutrition, Imaging, Lab Technology, Medtech, Pharma, Regenerative Medicine
  • Services: Education & Training, Events, Innovation space, Lab space, Network promotion & support, Support & coaching for startups