Innovation Hub Directories

Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives

Scientific competence centers and academic networks and initiatives generate synergies, facilitate the exchange of ideas and know-how, and stimulate the interactions between basic science and applied research and/or clinical applications. They set milestones for the future and foster alliances, thus spurring innovation in society and business. Most of them are coordinated according to strategic objectives of the University of Zurich and/or of ETH and their institutes. In many cases, they are joint cross-disciplinary centers of the both the UZH and ETH.

At AgroVet-Strickhof higher education and research in agricultural and veterinary sciences are connected with the practical needs of the agricultural industry through the cooperation between...

  • Institution: ETH, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Lindau

The Botnar Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH) enables research that aims to address unmet paediatric medical needs, focusing on the development of diagnostic tools,...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Basel

BML is a collaborative and interdisciplinary consortium based at ETH Zurich bringing together biologists, biophysicists, chemists, and material scientists. The research of the consortium orbits...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Center for Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine (CABMM) aims to promote interdisciplinary and translational research by fostering collaboration between basic researchers and clinicians from...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Center for Experimental and Clinical Imaging Technologies Zurich (EXCITE Zurich) is a cross-​sectional platform for biomedical imaging to facilitate the development of innovative, experimental and clinical...

  • Institution: ETH, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Center for Gerontology (ZfG) is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty competence center of the University of Zurich. It develops scientific foundations for aging with a...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis is a technology platform specialized in high end light and electron microscopy, supporting the research community at the...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The MERH Competence Centre is an interdisciplinary network based at the University of Zurich. It promotes, coordinates and undertakes scientific activities with a focus on...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Centre for Digital Health Interventions (CDHI) is a joint initiative of the Department of Management, Technology and Economics at ETH Zurich, the Future Health Technologies Programme...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Centre on Aging and Mobility, headed by Prof. Dr. med. Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, is part of the geriatric clinics of the University Hospital Zurich...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Children’s Research Center (CRC) is a unique institution in Switzerland, which bundles, coordinates and promotes scientific research at the Children's Hospital Zurich. It aims...

  • Institution: University Children's Hospital Zurich

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Clinical Trials Center (CTC) of the USZ supports the clinical research teams in the planning and realization of clinical trial projects. The CTC primarily...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Competence Center for Mental Health was established at UZH with the aim of creating a multidisciplinary network of mental health experts equipped to respond...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Competence Center Sleep & Health Zurich (SHZ) is a growing interdisciplinary network of research groups active in the field of sleep and chronobiology research...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The ETH Rehab Initiative links existing with novel research chairs to address overarching technical, medical, economic, and environmental questions for a more inclusive society. Its...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (CCCZ) is a strategic alliance of the University of Zurich (UZH) and the University Hospital Zurich (USZ), including the Balgrist...

  • Institution: Balgrist University Hospital, University Children's Hospital Zurich, USZ, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Datalab is a cross-departmental cooperation of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences that unites several institutes in the field of Data Sciences. Our goal...

  • Institution: ZHAW

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Winterthur

There is an impressive number of researchers from different disciplines at the UZH who investigate development and developmental changes across the entire life span and...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

dTIP is an ETH technology platform created to support researchers in clinical evidence generation and support entrepreneurs with the regulatory aspects of product development. dTIP...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Baden

The Electrophysiology Facility (e-phac) offers expertise, instrumentation and support in the area of in-vitro electrophysiology to researchers from UZH and associated institutions. We combine in-vitro...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The ETH Phenomics Center (EPIC) is a centrally organised, state- of-the-art research and service platform for experimental laboratory animal research with a focus on laboratory...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) is a joint state-of-the-art research and training facility of the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. With the...

  • Institution: ETH, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

Infectious diseases affect humans, animals and plants, sometimes with devastating outcomes and world-wide impact. Infectious agents comprise numerous viruses, bacteria and eukaryotic parasites. Yet, many...

  • Institution: ETH, USZ, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

At the Ingenuity Lab, we design and develop conceptionally novel solutions for precision medicine based on an interdisciplinary design- thinking approach. The lab leverages materials...

  • Institution: Balgrist University Hospital, EMPA, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

Molecular Tumor Profiling is a state-of-the-art diagnostic facility in the Dept of Pathology and Molecular Pathology of the University Hospital. The Molecular Tumor Profiling Lab...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Schlieren

The ZNZ is a joint competence center of the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich creating synergies between its 1000 neuroscientists in research and...

  • Institution: ETH, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies is an ETH core facility providing collaboration opportunities and services to research groups at ETH Zurich and its partners, including hospitals...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Schlieren

The goal of the PH Alliance Zurich-Basel (PHB) is to combine our complementary local strengths into a regional, scientifically excellent research hub. PHB coordinates its...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Basel

Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) is a strategic focus area of the ETH domain. The program has been financed by the ETH Board with...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The research laboratory of the Spinal Cord Injury Center at Balgrist University Hospital is engaged in latest basic as well as clinical research into spinal injuries....

  • Institution: Balgrist University Hospital, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is an internationally recognized non-profit organization dedicated to biological and biomedical data science. It is present in the main academic institutions of Switzerland and leads numerous national and international...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Lausanne

The Stroke Center is a competence center of highly specialized medicine (HSM, certified by SFCNS) offering comprehensive care to patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke....

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Swiss 3R Competence Centre (Swiss 3RCC) promotes research, education and communication for the replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experimentation (3Rs principle). The Swiss...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Bern

The Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) is a non-profit organization, which has been conducting clinical trials in oncology since 1965. Its primary objective...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Bern

The Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) is a national initiative launched by the Swiss federal government, namely the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Bern

TEDD (Tissue Engineering for Drug Development and Substance Testing) is an education, R&D and networking platform promoting the application of 3D organotypic technologies, with the...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Wädenswil

The LOOP Zurich is a medical center for translational research and precision medicine. It focuses on new approaches, better diagnostics, and novel therapies that will...

  • Institution: ETH, USZ, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Center is a collaborative platform for all interdisciplinary issues related to transplantation. It hosts the largest transplant program in Switzerland, including hematopoietic stem cells,...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The University Research Priority Program (URPP) on Global Change and Biodiversity (GCB) examines feedback mechanisms between biodiversity loss and global change with the aim to...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

As part of the strategic orientation of the research conducted at the University of Zurich, the University Research Priority Program (URPP) "Human Reproduction Reloaded" |...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The University Research Priority Program (URPP) Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning (AdaBD) is a network of researchers from the University of Zurich and...

  • Institution: University Children's Hospital Zurich, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The University Research Priority Program (URPP) ITINERARE fosters excellent translational research on rare diseases at the University of Zurich (UZH) and beyond. Furthermore, ITINERARE addresses...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Schlieren

The UZH Healthy Longevity Center is the center for research, innovation and societal impact for healthy longevity at the University of Zurich.

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The VVF is a central technology platform of the UZH, offering production of viral vectors and associated services to the scientific community worldwide. The VVF...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The World Food System Center was established at ETH Zurich based on the belief that the real-​world solutions needed to tackle the challenges our food...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The ZHAW Digital Health Lab is a virtual, interdepartmental organization of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) that connects experts from the fields of...

  • Institution: ZHAW

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Wädenswil

The PSC is a competence center linking and supporting the plant science research community of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, and the University of...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP) is a virtual network that brings together more than 100 research groups. It is an interdisciplinary center...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Zurich Kidney Center (ZKC) is a research network that brings together leading specialists in experimental and clinical nephrology in Zurich. It has evolved from...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich