Innovation Hub Directories

Children's Research Center (CRC)

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives

The Children’s Research Center (CRC) is a unique institution in Switzerland, which bundles, coordinates and promotes scientific research at the Children’s Hospital Zurich. It aims to create optimal conditions for innovative and groundbreaking research which leads to the generation of new evidence, as well as the improvement of diagnosis and therapy in pediatric health care.

The CRC team consults and supports researchers concerning all matters of their research such as study design and planning, submission to regulatory authorities and the ethics committee, implementation and conduct of their research projects, data management and monitoring.

Around 300 employees are involved in research at the Children’s Hospital Zurich; the CRC unites their activities, goals and concerns under one roof. It thus holds a central function in representing interests, coordinating and promoting interdisciplinarity and expanding internal and external cooperation.

  • Areas of Expertise: Biotech, Diagnostics, Digital Health, Imaging, Materials Science, Medtech, Precision medicine
  • Services: Awards, Biobanking, Contract research, Cross-sectoral exchange, Education & Training, Events, Fellowships, Funding, Innovation space, Knowledge transfer, Lab space, Network promotion & support, Research collaboration
  • Institution: University Children's Hospital Zurich