Innovation Hub Directories

>>venture>> is Switzerland’s leading and largest annual startup competition co-organized by ETH Zurich, McKinsey & Company, Knecht Holding, Innosuisse, and EPFL. Established in 1997, it...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Zürich

Agroscope is the Swiss centre of excellence for agricultural research, and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG). Agroscope makes an important contribution...

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Zürich

At AgroVet-Strickhof higher education and research in agricultural and veterinary sciences are connected with the practical needs of the agricultural industry through the cooperation between...

  • Institution: ETH, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Lindau

The AO is the premier innovator in the surgical treatment of bone fractures and disorders. Innovation at the AO goes from bench to bedside, including...

 Foundations /  Davos

AVINA is an independent Swiss funding foundation with a focus on sustainably produced and healthy nutrition. We mainly support projects in the areas of research...

 Foundations /  Hurden

The Balgrist Campus is a musculoskeletal research infrastructure accommodating 250 research professionals from UZH, Balgrist University Hospital, ETHZ, children's hospital and private companies. In a...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Zürich

Balgrist University Hospital is a highly specialized center of excellence for the diagnosis, treatment and aftercare of patients with disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system. With...

  • Institution: Balgrist University Hospital

 University Hospitals & Cantonal Pharmacy /  Zürich

BaseLaunch partners with scientists and entrepreneurs to help launch and grow exceptional biotech ventures from inception to Series A funding. BaseLaunch actively aims to build...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Basel

The nationally and internationally respected Bio-Technopark offers professional support for life science start-ups in the establishment and expansion of business activities and promotes interaction between...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Schlieren

The BioEntrepreneurship & Innovation (BEI) program empowers life sciences researchers in Switzerland to create successful spin-off companies. Guided by seasoned Entrepreneurs and Experts-in-Residence, participants learn...

  • Institution: UZH

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Schlieren

Bluelion is a non-profit Incubator & Accelerator based in Zurich helping entrepreneurs to start both fast-growing and sustainable businesses. We support young tech-startups getting from...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Zürich

It is the perfect place for professionals to meet likeminded people and build a tech-startup from scratch. Profit from Bluelion’s well-curated network of industry experts...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Zürich

The Botnar Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH) enables research that aims to address unmet paediatric medical needs, focusing on the development of diagnostic tools,...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Basel

BML is a collaborative and interdisciplinary consortium based at ETH Zurich bringing together biologists, biophysicists, chemists, and material scientists. The research of the consortium orbits...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

Business Angels Switzerland, BAS, is an association of private individuals willing to invest time and money in small, newly–founded companies with innovative projects. We help...

 Financing Networks /  Neuchâtel

The Center for Applied Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine (CABMM) aims to promote interdisciplinary and translational research by fostering collaboration between basic researchers and clinicians from...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Center for Experimental and Clinical Imaging Technologies Zurich (EXCITE Zurich) is a cross-​sectional platform for biomedical imaging to facilitate the development of innovative, experimental and clinical...

  • Institution: ETH, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Center for Gerontology (ZfG) is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty competence center of the University of Zurich. It develops scientific foundations for aging with a...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis is a technology platform specialized in high end light and electron microscopy, supporting the research community at the...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The MERH Competence Centre is an interdisciplinary network based at the University of Zurich. It promotes, coordinates and undertakes scientific activities with a focus on...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Centre for Digital Health Interventions (CDHI) is a joint initiative of the Department of Management, Technology and Economics at ETH Zurich, the Future Health Technologies Programme...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Centre on Aging and Mobility, headed by Prof. Dr. med. Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, is part of the geriatric clinics of the University Hospital Zurich...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Children’s Research Center (CRC) is a unique institution in Switzerland, which bundles, coordinates and promotes scientific research at the Children's Hospital Zurich. It aims...

  • Institution: University Children's Hospital Zurich

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Children’s Hospital Zurich is the largest pediatric university hospital in Switzerland and one of the leading pediatric medical centers in Europe. Founded in 1874...

  • Institution: University Children's Hospital Zurich

 University Hospitals & Cantonal Pharmacy /  Zürich

The Clinical Trials Center (CTC) of the USZ supports the clinical research teams in the planning and realization of clinical trial projects. The CTC primarily...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

In very close proximity to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), the University and Zurich University Hospital, a science park for life science companies...

 Company Databases /  Schlieren

TECHNOPARK Winterthur is not only a centre for knowledge and technology transfer, but also a seal of quality that receives recognition far beyond its premises....

 Company Databases /  Zürich

The Competence Center for Mental Health was established at UZH with the aim of creating a multidisciplinary network of mental health experts equipped to respond...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Competence Center Sleep & Health Zurich (SHZ) is a growing interdisciplinary network of research groups active in the field of sleep and chronobiology research...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The ETH Rehab Initiative links existing with novel research chairs to address overarching technical, medical, economic, and environmental questions for a more inclusive society. Its...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (CCCZ) is a strategic alliance of the University of Zurich (UZH) and the University Hospital Zurich (USZ), including the Balgrist...

  • Institution: Balgrist University Hospital, University Children's Hospital Zurich, USZ, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

In the field of congresses and conferences, the Convention Bureau is oriented to the economic industries of the Canton of Zürich. Congresses and conventions follow...

 Public Sector /  Zürich

Advancing life sciences at the interface of technology and biology CSEM is a non-profit public-private Swiss technology innovation center renowned for developing advanced technologies with...

 Technology Transfer /  Zürich

The Datalab is a cross-departmental cooperation of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences that unites several institutes in the field of Data Sciences. Our goal...

  • Institution: ZHAW

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Winterthur

Research into fundamental biological processes is one of the core tasks of the Department of Biology at ETH Zurich. It is a prerequisite for our...

  • Institution: ETH

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Zürich

At the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE), experimental and computational biologists and engineers work together in an interdisciplinary team in order to conduct...

  • Institution: ETH

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Basel

The Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB) has more than 50 professors investigating molecular aspects of matter, life, health, the environment, energy production, and...

  • Institution: ETH

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Zürich

The Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS) at ETH Zurich conducts research and offers studies into the condition and functions of environmental systems. It develops...

  • Institution: ETH

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Zürich

The Department of Health Sciences and Technology melds together a globally unique combination of expertise and knowledge. Research at the intersection of engineering, neuroscience, human...

  • Institution: ETH

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Zürich

There is an impressive number of researchers from different disciplines at the UZH who investigate development and developmental changes across the entire life span and...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

At the digital health center bülach (dhc), we join forces to promote digitalization in the healthcare sector together with members and partners. Our network consists...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Bülach

dTIP is an ETH technology platform created to support researchers in clinical evidence generation and support entrepreneurs with the regulatory aspects of product development. dTIP...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Baden

We are the point of contact for resident companies and companies interested in setting up a business in the Canton of Zurich. We inform, support,...

 Public Sector /  Zürich

Eawag is one of the world’s leading water research institutes. Its success is based on the combination of research, teaching and consulting that it has...

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Dübendorf

We strengthen the dialogue between politics, administration and the business and advocate for good framework conditions. In doing so, we focus equally on existing, newly...

 Public Sector /  Zürich

The Electrophysiology Facility (e-phac) offers expertise, instrumentation and support in the area of in-vitro electrophysiology to researchers from UZH and associated institutions. We combine in-vitro...

  • Institution: UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

Empa conducts cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in materials science and technology development. In the area of Medtech and personalized medicine, we investigate and develop new materials...

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Dübendorf

Excellence in entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich is driven by world-class research and education. It gives rise to groundbreaking new ventures that consolidate Switzerland’s technological leadership....

  • Institution: ETH

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Schlieren

ETH Industry Relations is the gateway for industry at ETH Zurich and matches interested companies with ETH research skills. The Industry Relations team arranges meetings...

  • Institution: ETH

 Technology Transfer /  Zürich

The ETH Phenomics Center (EPIC) is a centrally organised, state- of-the-art research and service platform for experimental laboratory animal research with a focus on laboratory...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

Overview of spin-off companies of the ETH Zurich.

  • Institution: ETH

 Company Databases /  Zürich

ETH transfer is the technology transfer office of ETH Zürich. The office provides legal support and negotiates terms and conditions for collaborations with third parties....

  • Institution: ETH

 Technology Transfer /  Zürich

ETH Zurich is one of the leading international universities for technology and the natural sciences. It is well-known for its excellent education, ground-breaking fundamental research...

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Zürich

The mission of Eureka’s Eurostars-3 program is to support innovative SMEs to develop products, processes and services and bring them to the market through funding...

 Grants & Funding for Research & Innovation /  Bern

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zurich promotes innovative research in the basic fields of medicine, in the clinical application of knowledge, in...

  • Institution: UZH

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Zürich

The Faculty of Science (MNF) is one of the University of Zurich’s seven faculties. With 199 professors from 30 countries, cutting-edge research is conducted at...

  • Institution: UZH

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Zürich

The Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation was established in 2013, born from the vision of a world in which every child is granted an optimum start in...

 Foundations /  Frauenfeld

feminno offers all female scientists (from life sciences, natural sciences, medicine, health, psychology, law, humanities, social sciences and tech) the opportunity to bridge their academic research with...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Zürich

We advertise, accommpany and empower people with rare diseases and collaborating with associated projects in Switzerland as well as abroad that carry out educational, social...

 Foundations /  Zürich

The Functional Genomics Center Zurich (FGCZ) is a joint state-of-the-art research and training facility of the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. With the...

  • Institution: ETH, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The Gebauer Stiftung supports and promotes institutions, persons and projects in Switzerland and abroad which pursue charitable, humanitarian, educational, educational, social, scientific, cultural or artistic...

 Foundations /  Zürich

genisuisse is a non-profit organization that offers a free 3-year coaching for innovative start-up companies. We are industry independent and also support companies with innovations...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Winterthur

glatec, a non-profit organization located at Empa (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology) and Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technlogy)...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Dübendorf

Go Beyond is a FinTech company transforming angel investing into a new scalable asset class for small and large, novice to experienced investors. The company...

 Financing Networks /  Zürich

The start-up and life science center grow Wädenswil supports, promotes, and coaches projects and companies in life sciences (biotechnology, chemistry, nutritional and environmental technology, pharma,...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Wädenswil

The Health Tech Cluster Switzerland is a network of manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, payers, research institutions and specialized service providers in the field of health...

 Industry Associations /  Schwyz

Healthtechpark Zurich-Schlieren is a hub for Medtech, Invtitrodiagnostics and digitalHealth Startups to booster their business idea. We provide experts know-how as well as lab-and office...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Schlieren

The European Union’s 9th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, runs from 2021 to 2027. It is the largest research and innovation funding...

 Grants & Funding for Research & Innovation /  Bern

The "House of Lab Science" is an innovation cluster where startups, large companies, SMEs, industry associations, academia and the best individual talents can be found...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Hombrechtikon

House of Winterthur offers a wide range of business and consultancy services at the interface between government and business. Our aim is to promote sustainable...

 Public Sector /  Winterthur

Infectious diseases affect humans, animals and plants, sometimes with devastating outcomes and world-wide impact. Infectious agents comprise numerous viruses, bacteria and eukaryotic parasites. Yet, many...

  • Institution: ETH, USZ, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

At the Ingenuity Lab, we design and develop conceptionally novel solutions for precision medicine based on an interdisciplinary design- thinking approach. The lab leverages materials...

  • Institution: Balgrist University Hospital, EMPA, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

Innosuisse’s role is to promote science-based innovation in the interests of industry and society in Switzerland. It especially promotes the partnership between academia and the...

 Grants & Funding for Research & Innovation /  Bern

Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW) is one of the ten largest hospitals in Switzerland. As a center hospital, it treats around 240,000 outpatients and around 27,000 inpatients...

 University Hospitals & Cantonal Pharmacy /  Winterthur

The Life Science Zurich Business Network is an independent association comprising representatives from industry, economic development, business clusters, and technology transfer. It represents the life...

 Industry Associations /  Zürich

The Mindfire Foundation is dedicated to the creation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the many, not the few. The Mindfire Foundation is a Swiss non-profit...

 Foundations /  Zug

In the rapidly evolving life science industry, there is a need for scientists who combine business, science and technology knowledge for innovative medical advances and...

  • Institution: UZH

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Schlieren

Molecular Tumor Profiling is a state-of-the-art diagnostic facility in the Dept of Pathology and Molecular Pathology of the University Hospital. The Molecular Tumor Profiling Lab...

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Schlieren

The ZNZ is a joint competence center of the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich creating synergies between its 1000 neuroscientists in research and...

  • Institution: ETH, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies is an ETH core facility providing collaboration opportunities and services to research groups at ETH Zurich and its partners, including hospitals...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Schlieren

The OPO Foundation is a charitable foundation that primarily supports third-party projects within the framework of its objectives. In accordance with the Foundation's purpose, the...

 Foundations /  Zürich

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland, conducting cutting-edge research in three main fields: matter...

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Villingen

The goal of the PH Alliance Zurich-Basel (PHB) is to combine our complementary local strengths into a regional, scientifically excellent research hub. PHB coordinates its...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Basel

Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) is a strategic focus area of the ETH domain. The program has been financed by the ETH Board with...

  • Institution: ETH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

The research laboratory of the Spinal Cord Injury Center at Balgrist University Hospital is engaged in latest basic as well as clinical research into spinal injuries....

  • Institution: Balgrist University Hospital, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

Study and research in Wädenswil: practical, creative, passionate and reflective. Our expertise in life sciences and facility management in the areas of the environment, food...

  • Institution: ZHAW

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Wädenswil

For almost a decade now, the initiative SEF.Growth, as an initiative from the NZZ Connect AG, has been supporting start-ups through tricky phases, providing tailored...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Bern

The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is an internationally recognized non-profit organization dedicated to biological and biomedical data science. It is present in the main academic institutions of Switzerland and leads numerous national and international...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Lausanne

SIX operates and develops infrastructure services for the Swiss and Spanish Stock Exchanges, for Securities Services, Banking Services and Financial Information with the aim of...

 Financing Networks /  Zürich

BRIDGE is a joint programme conducted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and Innosuisse - the Swiss Innovation Agency. It offers new funding opportunities...

 Grants & Funding for Research & Innovation /  Bern

Overview of spin-off companies of the Universities of Basel, Bern and Zurich.

 Company Databases /  Zürich

Start Smart Schlieren is an association that is a centre for innovation and offers start-ups and micro-enterprises all the necessary infrastructure for launching a successful...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Schlieren is the main directory for Swiss startups and offers a platform to get insights on the best of them and discover the top investors...

 Company Databases /  Schlieren

EMPIRIS is a non-profit umbrella foundation. It supports projects in the fields of science, research and education at the request of its donors.

 Foundations /  Zürich

The Stroke Center is a competence center of highly specialized medicine (HSM, certified by SFCNS) offering comprehensive care to patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke....

  • Institution: USZ

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

Superlab Suisse's «Lab as a Service» business concept includes innovatively designed laboratory facilities, state-of-the-art equipment, and professional and concierge services, as well as financing support...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Zürich

The Swiss 3R Competence Centre (Swiss 3RCC) promotes research, education and communication for the replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experimentation (3Rs principle). The Swiss...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Bern

The Swiss AI Award honours the most promising and innovative AI start-ups from across Switzerland. A dedicated jury assesses the business potential as well as...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Zug

Founded in 1998, the Swiss Biotech Association represents the interests of the Swiss biotech industry. To support its members in a competitive market, the Swiss...

 Industry Associations /  Zürich

The Swiss Economic Award is most important prize for young entrepreneurs in Switzerland. It is presented yearly sind 1998.  The best start-ups in the categories...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Bern

The Swiss Entrepreneurs Fund invests in existing funds (fund of funds) and makes direct investments in promising and innovative Swiss start-ups and SMEs with great...

 Financing Networks /  Bern

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research is concerned with the use, development and protection of natural and urban spaces. The focus...

 Academic & Applied Research Institutions /  Birmensdorf

The Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) is a non-profit organization, which has been conducting clinical trials in oncology since 1965. Its primary objective...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Bern

Swiss Healthcare Startups is a non-profit organization that supports innovative startups that aim to add value to the Swiss healthcare ecosystem. We support the startups...

 Industry Associations /  Zürich

Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC) connects smart-money investors to Swiss seed and early-stage tech startups.  SICTIC is a non-profit association with a strong angel investor...

 Financing Networks /  Zürich

The Swiss Life Sciences Database in a directory that allows users to search for companies that are active in the Swiss biotech, pharma or medtech...

 Company Databases /  Zürich

The Swiss Medtech Award recognizes outstanding achievements in the Swiss medical technology industry. Candidates from the fields of invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship are invited to...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Bern

The Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) is a national initiative launched by the Swiss federal government, namely the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Bern

The Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association (SECA) is the representative body for Switzerland‘s private equity, venture capital and corporate finance industries. SECA has...

 Financing Networks /  Rotkreuz

Innovations are a key driver of the Swiss economy. They ensure our prosperity. The presentation of the Swiss Technology Award supports and promotes this culture...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Bern

The Synapsis Foundation - Alzheimer Research Switzerland AFS is a tax-exempt foundation that promotes research into Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases at Swiss universities...

 Foundations /  Zürich

Since 2004, Venturelab designs and operates flagship startup programs in Switzerland such as Venture Kick, Venture Leaders, TOP 100 Swiss Startup Award, Innosuisse Start-up Trainings...

 Company Databases /  Schlieren

TECHNOPARK Winterthur offers an inspiring environment for innovative minds. Startups and spin-offs work closely together in cooperation with ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) research...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Winterthur

Technopark Zurich has been bringing people together from the fields of science, technology and economy at its 47,000 m² site since 1993. It is the...

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Zürich

TEDD (Tissue Engineering for Drug Development and Substance Testing) is an education, R&D and networking platform promoting the application of 3D organotypic technologies, with the...

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Wädenswil

The LOOP Zurich is a medical center for translational research and precision medicine. It focuses on new approaches, better diagnostics, and novel therapies that will...

  • Institution: ETH, USZ, UZH

 Scientific Competence Centers & Academic Networks and Initiatives /  Zürich

NOMIS’ vision is to “create a spark” in the world of science by enabling and supporting pioneering research in the natural sciences, social sciences and...

 Foundations /  Zürich

The Swiss Biotech Association has been publishing the Swiss Biotech Directory successfully for many years. The most comprehensive compendium of Swiss biotech companies supports the...

 Company Databases /  Zürich

The TOP 100 Swiss Startups started in 2011 and has become a benchmark in Switzerland to discover the most promising deeptech startups. The platform comprises...

 Awards & Accelerator Programs /  Schlieren

The Translational Medicine Accelerator is a resource to help sharpen, validate, and launch healthcare related ventures from within UZH. Our core work is to help...

  • Institution: UZH

 Incubators and Innovation Parks /  Zürich

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